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Seattle Parks and Recreation, Seattle Department of Transportation and Feet First collaborate on Safe Routes to School project

Seattle Parks and Recreation, Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT), Feet First, and the Beacon Hill community cut the ribbon on an improved sidewalk and route to school for Asa Mercer International Middle School on Dec. 1, 2015. The project improved the sidewalk, drainage, and parking along 16th Ave. S between… [ Keep reading ]

Dec. 3 Parks Buzz: You haven’t been there unless you have a PIC to PROVE it

Send your photos to @seattleparks on Twitter for a chance to be featured on our blog! Visit our homepage and subscribe to Explore More, our twice-monthly newsletter, to learn about new things happening in our parks and community centers this month.

Seattle Parks and Recreation shuts off most tennis court lights for winter to save energy

Seattle Parks and Recreation shut off the lights at most outdoor lighted tennis courts for the winter. This is an effort to create energy savings during the months when few people play tennis outside. There are 60 lighted outdoor courts throughout the parks system.

Photo album: Denny Awards 2015

On Tuesday, Dec. 1, we hosted the 2015 Denny Awards at the Seattle Museum of Flight to honor this year’s outstanding volunteers. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this wonderful event, and thank you to all of the individuals who donate time to Seattle Parks and Recreation. We could… [ Keep reading ]

Studies show a quick trip to the park can boost your mood

“I just need some air.” After a long day at the office, a long car ride or a television binge session, you’ll often hear people say it. We know our bodies crave a dose of the outdoors every now and then, but why? New studies from the TKF Foundation, an… [ Keep reading ]

Pathway of Lights returns to Green Lake on Saturday, Dec. 12

Volunteers needed! Seattle Parks and Recreation presents the Pathway of Lights at Green Lake on Saturday, Dec. 12, 2015 from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., rain or shine. Join thousands of families, friends and neighbors for this beloved Seattle tradition. Travel the 2.8-mile path around the lake, taking in the warm… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Parks and Recreation hosts educational workshop for community businesses

Seattle Parks and Recreation will host a Community Business Workshop on Tuesday, Dec. 8 from and 12 – 1:30 p.m. at Jefferson Community Center and on Thursday, Dec. 10 from 12 – 1:30 p.m. at Miller Community Center to give startups and small business owners the opportunity learn about the… [ Keep reading ]

Registration for winter programs opens Dec. 1

Ping pong, pottery, piano lessons or Pilates? What’s on your winter agenda? Registration for most winter 2016 classes opens Tuesday, Dec. 1 at noon. Sign up yourself or your family members for swim lessons and community center classes.  Registration will continue until classes fill. Register online, over the phone or in-person at… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Parks and Recreation announces 2015 Denny Award winners

Annual awards recognize outstanding volunteer service Today Superintendent Jesús Aguirre announced the winners of Seattle Parks and Recreation’s 2015 Denny Awards for Outstanding Volunteer Stewardship. The winners are a cross-section of Seattle’s most creative, dedicated and hard-working volunteers who donate precious time and energy to improving Seattle’s parks and recreation… [ Keep reading ]

Celebrate the season with Seattle Parks and Recreation

The holiday season seems to sneak up on us and then it’s over before we know it. There are so many activities and things to be done; it can be hard to keep track of them all. We’ve created a one-stop guide to all of our festive happenings. Find gingerbread… [ Keep reading ]