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Many Seattle Parks and Recreation facilities to close Thursday, March 6 for Recreation Division staff training

Many Seattle Parks and Recreation facilities and programs will be closed Thursday, March 6, 2025, due to a Recreation Division staff training day. These facilities and services are CLOSED: These facilities are OPEN on regular schedules:

Magnuson Off Leash Area closed Feb. 19-21

Magnuson Park’s Off Leash Area (“dog park”) will close for maintenance from Wednesday, February 19 until Friday, February 21. The other OLA’s will remain open through this time. Please see alternative options here: Dog Off-Leash Areas & Map – Parks |

Public Hearing Notice: Outdoor Athletic Facilities and Native Plant Policy

The Seattle Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners is now taking public written input and will hold two public hearings on Thursday, February 27, 2025, on the proposed updates and revisions to Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR)’s policy concerning the Use and Scheduling of Outdoor Athletic Facilities, and SPR’s Native… [ Keep reading ]

Be Part of Something Great with the Backyard Bird Count 

By Todd Burley Poem of the One World – Mary Oliver This morning the beautiful white heron was floating along above the water and then into the sky of this the one world we all belong to where everything sooner or later is a part of everything else which thought made me feel for a little while quite beautiful… [ Keep reading ]

Bitter Lake Community Center Pancake Breakfast

Join us at Bitter Lake Community Center on Sunday, February 23, 2025, for our annual Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser! Enjoy a delicious breakfast while supporting our programs and scholarship fund! All you can eat pancakes! Other breakfast food and drinks will be provided. Gluten free and vegan options will be available…. [ Keep reading ]

Thursday 2/6/2026 Winter Weather Impacts

Due to the winter weather conditions today (Thursday, February 6, 2025), many Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) programs and facilities are impacted. See below for details. For Thursday, February 6th• All facilities and programs will attempt to operate normal operating hours by 11am. • Childcare after school, SPP/Pre-K CANCELED• Teen… [ Keep reading ]

Winter Weather Impacts for Seattle Parks and Recreation, 2/5/2025

Due to the winter weather conditions today (Wednesday, Feburary 5, 2025), many Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) programs and facilities are impacted. See below for details. SPR Pools: Pools are scheduled to open at 11am today. Early morning lap swim and morning rentals are cancelled. Community Centers: Community Centers will… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Parks and Recreation Seeking Input on New Off-Leash Areas

Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) invites community to participate in the development of two new off-leash areas (OLAs) at West Seattle Stadium and Othello Playground. Please join us for one of the community engagement events: either on February 20 or 23 to learn more about the development of new off-leash… [ Keep reading ]

Community Input Needed for Pioneer Square Park – Rescheduled to Feb. 20.

Seattle Parks and Recreation and The Alliance for Pioneer Square invite the community to support the Pioneer Square Park redesign efforts. Please join us at The Alliance for Pioneer Square Office on February 20, 3 to 5 pm, 105 S. Main Street for an Open House.  The Open House is… [ Keep reading ]

Community Input Needed for Judkins Park Renovations

Seattle Parks and Recreation invites the community to help shape the future of Judkins Park at two upcoming events. Please join us at the engagement events below: These events will provide opportunities for youth and community members to learn about planned renovations to the park, share feedback, and help shape… [ Keep reading ]