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Posts categorized under Christina Hirsch, Author at Parkways - Page 99 of 105

Kids get creative at Ballard Commons Park with free art lessons

On June 3, local artist Blanca Santander held her first “Park in the Heart” kids craft table in Ballard Commons Park. With temperatures in the 80s, the park was full of children and families playing in the popular spraypark. The craft table offered a great place for kids to take a break… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Tilth offers organic gardening classes at downtown parks this summer

Seattle Tilth will offer a wide spectrum of classes on growing food and on sustainable use of natural resources at downtown parks this summer—for free! Topics include summer and fall gardening, growing tomatoes, composting, permaculture, organic garden pest management, and water conservation. For those who live in an apartment or… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle City Open

Join one of Seattle’s major tennis tournaments Seattle Parks and Recreation and the Amy Yee Tennis Center Advisory Council, along with the help of community sponsors, are proud to bring you the annual Seattle City Open. This year’s event will once again be hosted at Lower Woodland Tennis Courts (south… [ Keep reading ]

Working to restore our urban forest

Awe-inspiring forests are part of the heritage and appeal of our city. They make our lives better by providing places to play, rest and contemplate. Half of Seattle’s city parkland consists of forested natural areas. Helping to care for Seattle’s urban forest is the Green Seattle Partnership (GSP). The GSP is… [ Keep reading ]

“Put the Arts in Parks” kicks off with cultural performances at local parks

May 28 marked the kickoff of an exciting summer of events through the new Put the Arts in Parks program. Made possible by the Seattle Park District and in partnership with the Seattle Office of Arts & Culture, this program is funding 39 outdoor arts and culture projects in parks… [ Keep reading ]

Weekend heat wave

With temperatures expected in the high 80s on Saturday and in the 90s on Sunday, Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) reminds park users to stay cool and hydrated, and to avoid swimming in waters that are still cold. Seniors and people with health concerns may experience impacts from the heat…. [ Keep reading ]

Celebrate the Seattle Fire Festival on June 4

Join us in celebrating the annual Seattle Fire Festival on Saturday, June 4 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Bell Street Park (located between 4th and 5th on Bell St. in downtown Seattle). This free, annual festival commemorates the re-birth of Seattle’s business district following the Great Seattle Fire… [ Keep reading ]

Aurora Licton Find It, Fix It Community Walk

Join Mayor Ed Murray for a Find It, Fix It Community Walk in the Aurora Licton Urban Village this Tuesday! Refreshments will be provided and the first 75 walk participants who sign in will receive a City swag gift bag. Who: Aurora Licton community members and City officials When: Tuesday,… [ Keep reading ]

24th Annual Beacon Hill Festival coming up June 4!

Neighborhood institution features tons of family fun On Saturday, June 4, Jefferson Community Center presents the 24th Annual Beacon Hill Festival, with fun for everyone in the family in this lively, diverse neighborhood. The festival will take place at Jefferson Park (3801 Beacon Ave. S) from 11 a.m. to 4… [ Keep reading ]

QuickStart Tennis League for Beginning Youth

Seattle Parks and Recreation continues the successful play-based league approach to tennis Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) will continue to offer a QuickStart tennis league at 14 community centers across the city for youth with little or no tennis experience. The league will run from June 27 to Aug. 17…. [ Keep reading ]