Seattle Parks and Recreation staff are busy preparing for snowfall that we anticipate will come through Seattle. Please check our Parks and Recreation website and or Parkways Blog for detailed information about program cancellations and facility closures. You can also find regular updates on our Twitter page.
All facilities and programs are currently up and running, with the exception of those mentioned below. All sports fields that have programs scheduled are currently set to continue with games today (Friday, Dec. 9).
The following programs and facilities are experiencing closures:
- Interbay Golf Course is currently closed on Friday, Dec. 9.
- West Seattle Golf Course is currently closed on Friday, Dec. 9.
- Jackson Golf Course is closed for golf on Friday, Dec. 9.
- Before School Programs are cancelled on Friday, Dec. 9.
- All early morning swim programs and practices are cancelled on Friday, Dec. 9.
- Community Center youth basketball practices scheduled at Seattle Public Schools are cancelled on Thursday, Dec. 8.
Information on Seattle Public Schools swim meets at Seattle Parks and Recreation pools:
- Evans
- Madison
- Queen Anne
- Ballard
- Medgar Evers