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Seattle Parks launches dementia-friendly recreation in 2015

Greenwood Senior Center staff member Cayce Cheairs stood before dozens of Seattle seniors at Seattle Parks and Recreation’s dementia-friendly programming “Momentia!” kickoff on Tuesday, Jan. 27, and asked them what they wished for in the coming year. More longs walks, replied one man. More dancing, said a woman. More… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Parks and Recreation opens Day Camp and Activity Camp registration

On Tuesday, Feb. 3, 2015 Seattle Parks and Recreation will open registration for all of its amazing summer camp opportunities for youth ages 3-17!  This includes a wide variety of camps including Nature Camps, Preschool Camps, Tween Camps, Sports Camps, Arts Camps and more. There are also state-licensed day camps available… [ Keep reading ]

Jan. 22 PARK BUZZ: You haven’t been there unless you have a PIC to PROVE it

Send your photos to @seattleparks on Twitter for a chance to be featured on our blog! Visit our homepage and subscribe to Explore More, our twice-monthly newsletter, to learn about new things happening in our parks and community centers this month.

Parks to host Momentia! event to support dementia-friendly community

On Tuesday, Jan. 27, Seattle Parks and Recreation invites persons living with dementia, family, friends and all who support a dementia-friendly community to the 2015 Momentia! New Year Celebration at China Harbor restaurant. The Momentia! New Year Celebration will offer refreshments, drinks, musical entertainment, dancing and karaoke. To register, call… [ Keep reading ]

Parks to host community update on multi-use trail in Arboretum

Seattle Parks and Recreation invites the community to a public meeting for the Washington Park Arboretum Multi-use Trail. This community update will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2015 from 6:30 – 7:45 p.m. at the Arboretum’s Graham Visitors Center, 2300 Arboretum Dr. E. The Arboretum Multi-use Trail project provides… [ Keep reading ]

Community invited to ‘Activate Northgate’ at Hubbard Homestead Park

Seattle Parks and Recreation and the Northgate Community Center Advisory Council invite the community to a celebration dedicating the new skatepark and outdoor exercise equipment at Hubbard Homestead Park, 11203 5th Ave. NE, in the Northgate neighborhood. The celebration, Activate Northgate, will be held on Saturday, Jan. 24, 2015 from… [ Keep reading ]

Jefferson Park Lawn Bowling Club members earn two national titles

Jefferson Park Lawn Bowling Club’s men’s teams swept the Bowls USA National Championships in Florida this November. For the first time since 1945, the Jefferson men’s singles and pairs teams both took first place. To compete in the National Championships, one must qualify by winning either Pairs or Singles in… [ Keep reading ]

Access to water temporarily closed at Magnuson Off-leash Area

Toxic algae scum spotted in Lake Washington As a precaution, Seattle Parks and Recreation has temporarily closed access to the water at the Magnuson Park dogs off-leash area. Toxic algae has been found in accumulated scum in Lake Washington along the shores of the off-leash area. Toxic algae blooms are… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle youth unite for justice

The third weekend in January, come rain or snow, Seattle Parks youth come together to learn, reflect and follow in the footsteps of one the most influential civil rights leaders of our time. “We cannot walk alone,” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. announced in August 1963.  “And as we walk,… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Parks and Recreation Martin Luther King, Jr. Day closures

Many Seattle Parks and Recreation facilities will be closed Monday, Jan. 19, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. These facilities and services are CLOSED: Community centers Environmental learning centers Indoor swimming pools Green Lake Small Craft Center Mount Baker Rowing and Sailing Center These facilities are OPEN… [ Keep reading ]