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Seattle Parks and Recreation seeks proposals for long-term food concession at Golden Gardens Park

Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) is seeking proposals from qualified operators to manage and operate the Golden Gardens Park Food Concessions under a long-term agreement. SPR is seeking and will select the concessionaire who best demonstrates the ability to provide innovative, affordable, healthy, safe and reliable food service to park… [ Keep reading ]

Kubota Garden’s Annual Fall Plant Sale

From the Kubota Garden Foundation: Attention garden, tree and plant enthusiasts! Kubota Garden’s Annual Fall Plant Sale is coming up on Saturday, September 10 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Kubota Garden Nursery. This is your opportunity to purchase unique and high quality plants with all proceeds benefitting… [ Keep reading ]

Rare corpse lily bloom to cause big stink at Volunteer Park Conservatory

Seattle’s mysterious corpse lily (Amorphophallus titanum) is in the early stages of blooming at the Volunteer Park Conservatory, on loan from University of Washington Biology. Native to the equatorial rain forests of Sumatra, the corpse lily is the world’s largest inflorescence and can grow up to 12 feet tall in… [ Keep reading ]

Practice your favorite Olympic and Paralympic sports with Seattle Parks and Recreation

Did watching the 2016 Olympic Games inspire your inner athlete? If so, Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) has a number of ways for you to practice some of your favorite Olympic and Paralympic sports. With 6,300 acres of parkland, 120 miles of trails, 26 community centers, 204 athletic fields, and… [ Keep reading ]

Rainier Valley Summer Parkways and Big Day of Play

Coming out for fun at the Big Day of Play? Rainier Valley has a huge celebration going on Saturday, August 13. Summer Parkways are events where designated streets are closed to cars so that folks can walk, bike and roll between parks, interact with neighbors and get active in a… [ Keep reading ]

LEEF youth reach new heights

Jumping off ledges, scaling walls, and swinging from trees aren’t part of most youth development programs. But for Seattle Parks and Recreation’s pilot program ‘Leaders in Environment, Equity, and Facilitation’ (LEEF), these exhilarating activities are built into the curriculum! LEEF is designed to help develop the next generation of challenge… [ Keep reading ]

Community encouraged to provide input for renovation of South Park Community Center play area at Duwamish River Festival

Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) invites the community to a learn about the South Park Community Center play area renovation project during the Duwamish River Festival on Sat., August 20, 2016.  Join us at Duwamish Waterway Park, 7900 10th Ave S., between 1 and 3 p.m. and provide input on… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Parks and Recreation invites input for renovation of Prentis Frazier play area

Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) invites the community to a public meeting on Wed., Aug. 17, 2016 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Miller Community Center, 330 19th Ave E. for Prentis Frazier play area renovation project. This meeting is an opportunity for the community to learn about the project… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Parks and Recreation needs input for A.B. Ernst Park addition

Seattle Parks and Recreation invites the community to provide feedback on design options for the addition to A.B. Ernst Park. Please join us on Tuesday, August 16, 2016 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Fremont Branch Library, 731 N. 35th St.  This project will expand upon the existing A.B…. [ Keep reading ]

Denny Park to close for approximately five months for park improvement project

Denny Park (100 Dexter Ave. N) is scheduled to close beginning the week of Aug. 15 for approximately five months for a park improvement project. During this time, all areas of the park, including the temporary off-leash area, will be closed. The Denny Park project includes storm drainage, sanitary sewer,… [ Keep reading ]