All boats launches remain closed for the time being
Today the City of Seattle has announced the reopening of all four of the city’s municipal golf courses: Jefferson Park Golf Course, West Seattle Golf Course, Jackson Golf Course, and Interbay Golf Course.
Premier Golf is contracted by the City to operate all four courses and will open doors on Tuesday with the guidelines set forward by the Governor’s order, which include: social distancing guidelines along with signage, minimizing face-to-face interactions, eliminating high touch surfaces, increasing sanitization practices, elimination of sit-down food and beverage service (take-out only). Further, pro-shops will be closed to retail, there will be no equipment rentals, and mini golf and footgolf will be prohibited. Premier will utilize golf marshals to enforce social distancing.
“Opening our golf courses is a great first step toward slowly and carefully reopening recreation opportunities to our communities. With the partnership of Premier Golf, we feel that we can implement a high level of social distance and sanitation practices that can keep folks safe while they golf,” said Jesús Aguirre, Seattle Parks and Recreation Superintendent.
“Premier Golf, in conjunction with Seattle Parks and Recreation, are excited to bring golf back to the citizens of Seattle in a safe, healthy way. We want our customers to feel comfortable visiting our facilities and a very detailed list of safety protocols has been put in place for all to follow. Golf will be played in twosomes and the driving ranges stalls will be placed at a minimum 10 feet apart to ensure social distancing requirements can be met. We are fired up to see our golfers return!” said Premier Golf Vice President, Michael Fosnick.
“We are headed in the right direction. Parks and open space have been a life-line for many during this pandemic. Golfers and park-goers alike know the importance of continuing to practice safe, social distancing, while enjoying the semblance of normalcy that the outdoors can provide. It is important that while we prioritize safety, we also come up with creative programs that optimize our current landscape for other activities for Seattle to enjoy,” said Councilmember Debora Juarez.
With support from Councilmember Juarez, Seattle Parks and Recreation is also developing a pilot program to provide other recreation opportunities in these spaces. The intent is to use the ample acreage of golf courses provide additional spaces to for people to run and walk while maintaining social distance. This pilot will begin at West Seattle, Jefferson, and Jackson golf courses, by periodically reprogramming the 9-hole course. The pilot program is slated to begin in two weeks.
All boat launches remain closed while the City further considers the guidelines and supports needed to create a safe environment for public access to these spaces.
For more information about your local golf course please visit