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Help restore urban forests on Green Seattle Day, Nov. 7



Last year 845 volunteers helped the Green Seattle Partnership plant nearly 5,000 plants in 21 parks across Seattle on Green Seattle Day, and this year, the organization is hoping to do even more.

The Green Seattle Day planting party will kick off at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 7 at Rainier Community Center (registration begins at 8:30 a.m. with coffee and snacks). After a brief welcome, buses will deliver volunteers to four restoration projects in Southeast Seattle – Genesee Park, Cheasty Greenspace and Seward Park. Volunteers can participate in educational and family-oriented activities throughout the day and are invited to return by bus to Rainier Community Center to enjoy a free lunch and hang out with fellow volunteers.

Other Green Seattle Day events are being held throughout the city at sites such as Discovery, Jackson and Leschi parks.

To view all event locations and to register, visit

The Green Seattle Partnership is a unique public/private partnership between the City of Seattle and the Forterra (formerly Cascade Land Conservancy). For more information on the Green Seattle Partnership, visit