Seattle Parks and Recreation invites families, neighbors, and farmers to review the design for the future improvements at Marra-Desimone Park on Thursday, Nov. 5, 2015 from 5:45 – 7:45 p.m. at the South Park Community Center, 8319 8th Ave. S.
Seattle Parks and Recreation would like to thank everyone who attended the first meeting in September. The input provided at that meeting helped inform the design for the 8.7-acre community park. At this meeting, Barker Landscape Architect and Seattle Parks and Recreation project manager will provide background on the project, and present the park design. Marra-Desimone Park (including Marra-farm) is located at 9026 4th Ave. S.
The park improvements focus on park access for all, safety in design, space for community recreation and an enhanced farm and garden. The Long Range Development Plan developed with community input in 2008 will guide the design process. The meeting will include interpreters for Spanish and Vietnamese language speakers, and a youth activity associated with the design.
This project is funded by the Parks and Green Spaces Levy.
For more information about this project and to download translated flyer please visit For special meeting accommodations or questions contact Jay Rood, Seattle Parks and Recreation, 206-733-9194 or