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Posts tagged with Ravenna Eckstein Archives - Parkways

Construction begins at Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center to improve accessibility

Seattle Parks and Recreation(SPR) is improving public and staff access at many facilities throughout the park system. The improvements are based on Federal, State, and Local requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The most recent project is beginning at Ravenna-Eckstein. SPR awarded the construction contract for the improvements… [ Keep reading ]

KIDS ‘N’ KEYBOARDS group piano program teaches songs, rhythm and technique

Pianist Paul Sklar has made a career of playing for professional dancers and theater audiences. And on Friday afternoons, Paul can be found at Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center playing with a much smaller crowd. Paul teaches Kids ‘n’ Keyboards at Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center for children ages 5-11 every quarter. The classes teach note reading, ensemble… [ Keep reading ]