The Trust for Public Land has ranked Seattle as the 6th best parks and recreation system nationwide in its 2024 ParkScore index. The Trust analyzed the 100 largest U.S. cities and used mapping technology and demographic data to determine how well each city is meeting the need for parks. Points were awarded for five characteristics of an effective park system: access, investment, acreage, amenities, and equity.
“Seattle’s parks and recreation system truly sparkles with excellence! It brings us immense joy to see our beloved park system ranked number 6 nationally, with a remarkable climb of two spots in just one year. Parks provide crucial gathering places for neighbors to come together, and serve as shining sources of strength, sustainability, and wellness for our community. Even on our gray and rainy days, our parks and recreation system continuously shine through to deliver places and spaces to get us into nature, to recreate, and to rejuvenate. I am thankful to the City for prioritizing accessibility and equity in our parks, and to our staff for maintaining these treasured assets. And a special shoutout to the people of Seattle, who hold a special place in their hearts for our parks and are committed to preserving and enhancing them,” said AP Diaz, Seattle Parks and Recreation Superintendent.
In 2019, Seattle ranked 11th, in 2021 9th, in 2023 8th, and now in 2024 6th!
Similar to years prior, Seattle continues to rank highly in both investment level in our park system, and overall access that all Seattle residents have to nearby parkland.
Seattle’s ParkScore stats included:
- Percent of residents within a 10-minute walk of a park: 99%
- Park land as % of city area: 12 %
- Spending per resident: $376
To view Seattle’s entire scorecard, go here.