The Laurelhurst Community Center will close on September 1, 2023, for the ADA Barrier Removal Project. The entire community center, play area, play field and parking lot will be closed during construction. The last day to access the community center will be August 31, 2023, from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
The renovation will correct approximately 100 documented accessibility barriers on the Seattle Barrier Removal Schedule, including adding accessible parking stalls at the south and east entrances, accessible pathways, a ramp and entrance from the parking area to the community center east and south entrances, as well as to the playground. Miscellaneous interior improvements will also be made to remove accessibility barriers at the restrooms, multi-purpose room, kitchen, classrooms, exercise room and more. Any lawn and planting areas that are disturbed will be restored after the completion of construction.
SPR understands the importance of programming and services that this center provides the community will work to minimize the impact on the neighborhood during construction. We anticipate the project being complete by Summer of 2024.
For additional information, please contact Stephen Levengood at or 206-386-4556 or visit