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Free “Welcome Back Seattle” events

Event: YES FEST 
Organizer: Bureau of Fearless Ideas 
Date(s) and Time(s): July 1 and July 29, 4:00 – 6:00 pm 
Event Location: Yesler Terrace Park
Event Description: YES FEST is a community festival, bringing together youth, families, and residents of Yesler Terrace to be together and celebrate. Each YES FEST includes booths from community organizations, a range of hands-on activities, food, and fellowship. 

Event: Massive Monkees: Fresh Air open dance sessions
Organizer: Extraordinary Futures
Date(s) and Time(s): July 1,5,8,12,15,19,23,26,30, 6-9PM
Event Location:  Fridays: Pratt Park Basketball Courts & Tuesdays: Jefferson Park Shelter #3
Event Description: Drop in Breakdance sessions facilitated by coaches from the Massive Monkees. Participants will learn basic breakdance moves and be able to practice them in a fun and interactive setting.
Event Facebook:

Event: Blessed Hearts Fitness 
Organizer: Noel Montgomery 
Date(s) and Time(s): Tuesdays: July 5,12,19,26, 5:30-6:30PM, Thursdays: July 7,14,21,28, 6-7PM
Event Location: Garfield community center, Tuesdays & Rainier Beach community center, Thursdays 
Event Description: Blessed Hearts Fitness is to educate, demonstrate and motivate healthier options and productive movement.
Event Facebook:
Event Website:

Event: Hit Workouts
Organizer: Free Flo Fit 
Date(s) and Time(s): July 2, 16, 30, no class July 9th or 23rd, 12:15-1:15PM
Event Location: Columbia City Fitness (2609 S Jackson St, Seattle, WA 98144).
Event Description: Free Saturday classes from 12:15-1:15pm in the group fitness room all are welcome. Held every Saturday except for July 9th and July 23rd.
Event Facebook: 
Event Website:  

Event: Summer Saturdays – Free African Dance for All Ages! 
Organizer: ADEFUA Cultural Education Workshop 
Date(s) and Time(s): July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30. Each date the time is 10:00am-2:00pm. 
Event Location:: Columbia Park  
Event Description: This project will provide weekly cultural dance classes for youth and adults. Join us for learning the history and rhythms of the dance movements being learned. Live drumming weekly will play for our dancing pleasure. Youth – 10:00am-11:50am, Adult – 12:00pm-2:00pm. 
Event Facebook:
Event Website: 

Event: Back 2 Basics Pt. 2 
Organizer: 219 Solutions 
Date(s) and Time(s): Thursday’s, July 7,14,21,28, 3:30-6:30PM
Event Location: Concord International Elementary Playfield 
Event Description: Back to Basics is a platform for kids to come play organized games, be creative through art projects, socialize with each other, and be physically active in a safe environment.

Event Fit Melanin Summer 2022 
Organizer: Free Flo Fit 
Date(s) and Time(s): July 9th, 2022 from 2pm-7pm. 
Event Location: Judkins Park  
Event Description: It’s that time of the year again, and Free Flo Fit is going all out with our Fit Melanin Summer event for 2022. Meet new and returning black and brown vendors while enjoying fun, high-energy workouts, performers, and much more!   
Event Facebook: 
Event Website:  

Event: Puerto Rican Bomba y Plena en la Huerta 2022 
Organizer: Center for Linguistic and Cultural Democracy 
Date(s) and Time(s): July 10,17, 24, 6:30-8:30PM
Event Location: Martha Washington Park 
Event Description: Bomba en La Huerta brings traditional and expressive Puerto Rican Bomba drumming, singing, and dancing into a Parks Department Orchard Space in order to bring together families and community members to share, engage, create, let go, and build unity.​ 
Event Facebook: 
Note: If the weather is bad for any of these sessions, we will switch to ZOOM.  ID: 913 0229 6657  Join by phone: 253 215-8782  

Event:Dance Is Where We Heal’   
Organizer: Franchesska Berry 
Date(s) and Time(s): Wednesdays 7:00 – 9:00 pm & Saturday 12:00 – 2:00 pm. Wednesdays, July 13, 20,27. Saturdays 16, 23, 30.
Event Location: Youngstown Cultural Arts Center  
Event Description: Franchesska Berry specializes in teaching traditional storytelling, dances, drums, and the language of West Africa within the Feminine Essence. We resolves identified problems for participants holistically through dance and oneness. We shift the energy honoring who and whose we are. This teaching style consistently enhances students’ mental well-being, stamina, rhythm, timing, and energy from dancing. We evoke Spiritual self-love initiations and transmute struggle into miracles. 
Event Website: 

Event: Jefferson Jumpstart 
Organizer : Beacon Arts 
Date(s) and Time(s): 7pm July 14, 21,28
Event Location: Jefferson Park Amphitheater

Event Description: Beacon Arts returns to Jefferson Park Amphitheater with Free Jefferson Jumpstart Concert to get a jumpstart on your weekend! Join us for free contemporary music by: 7/14 The Whags – funky prog indie 7/21 Talaya – existential soul 7/28 Tomo Nakayama Born in Japan and raised in Seattle, Washington, Tomo Nakayama is an artist whose melodic, complex and emotionally compelling music has been praised by NPR, New York Times.
Event Facebook: 
Event Website: 

Event: Alafia: Sacred Drum and Dance 
Organizer: Griot Girlz 
Date(s) and Time(s): Saturdays July 16, 23, 30, 12-2 pm 
Event Location: Judkins Park @ Norman st​ 
Event Description: African Drum and Dance sessions open to all ages, stages and walks of life.  
Event Facebook: 
Event Website: 

Event: Walk for Change
Organizer: Fathers and Sons Together FAST
Date(s) and Time(s): July 16, 2022, 11AM-3PM
Event Location: Rainier Beach CC Plaza
Event Description: The Walk for Change will celebrate our fathers as we encourage, provoke and inspire them to view fatherhood as a powerful entity that is strong enough to invoke change. Our focus is on strengthening the relationships between fathers and sons.
Event Website:

Event: Healthy Aging 
Organizer: Lao Women Association of Washington 
Date(s) and Time(s): July 17,2022, 12-3PM
Event Location: Wat Lao Mixayaram 
Event Description: Dance: Lomvong, Basalop, Cha Cha and Aerobic Exercises-Boon Khaophansa
Event Facebook:

Event: Lao Women Association of Washington Annual Picnic 
Organizer: Lao Women Association of Washington 
Date(s) and Time(s): July 24,2022, 12-4:00PM
Event Location: Seward Park​ 
Event Description: To celebrate our 2022 Welcome Back Seattle program as well as gathering our members to celebrate summer, we will hold an annual picnic at Seward Park. 
Event Facebook: