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Regrade Park Off-Leash Area Closes for Improvements

Seattle Parks and Recreation is closing the Regrade Park Off-Leash Area (OLA) from Tuesday, December 14 through Wednesday, December 22 to make park improvements. Crews will remove failing trees and branches, renew surfacing, and make accessibility improvements.

Regrade OLA is located in the Belltown neighborhood, 2251 3rd Ave, Seattle, WA 98121. The nearest OLA’s are Denny Park-100 Dexter Ave N, 98108; Plymouth Pillars Park- 1050 Pike St., Seattle, WA 98101 and Kinnear Park- 899 W Olympic Pl., Seattle, WA 98119. Please visit for other off leash area opportunities.

The Seattle Park District Maintaining Parks and Facilities funding initiatives provided $100,000 in 2021 to Improve Dog Off-Leash Areas throughout Seattle. The People, Dogs and Parks Plan  provides the scope and prioritization of major-maintenance capital projects.

For more information please visit or contact, Peggy Tosdal, Seattle Parks and Recreation at  or 206-419-3136.

Small white dog in front of cement sculpture.