Under the Governor’s new restrictions indoor recreation must close as we work to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our community
Governor Jay Inslee issued new statewide restrictions on social gatherings, businesses, and other indoor activities in response to the surge of COVID-19 across Washington state.
Effective Monday morning, November 16, Amy Yee Tennis Center will be closed to all tennis court rentals and tennis play.
We will be in touch over the next few weeks to let you know if we will reopen on December 15, or if the closure will be extended.
All reservations can be refunded, or funds put back on your account for future rentals. Outdoor tennis court rentals are still permitted, and courts can be reserved by calling 206-684-4764.
The below statewide restrictions will last until December 14, 2020. This note is not an exhaustive list of all restrictions. Please visit the state’s website for a full list of restrictions.
We are at a crucial point in the pandemic when our actions will shape our ability to return to normal life in the months to come. Everyone who lives, works, and plays in Seattle must mask up, avoid gatherings, especially all indoor social gatherings, and follow all public health guidance. It’s up to all of us to slow the spread of COVID-19 and protect our communities, particularly our most vulnerable.