Seattle Parks and Recreation, Atlantic Street Center, and Langston Hughes Performing Arts Institute are proud to present the annual Teen Summer Musical, Uncle Willy’s Chocolate Factory.
The summer musical is an opportunity for local teens to perform on the big stage while learning the business side of theater operations. It allows them to connect, communicate and exchange ideas with youth from other backgrounds and cultures. Summer musical participants earn a stipend for rehearsals and performance during this 9-week summer program. The teen summer musical theater experience is just one more way to captivate our youth while they are in the “hope stage” of their development into young adults.
The program, which attracts dozens of teens of color, provides an introduction to the world of theater. Through workshops and collaborative practices, the participants develop self-discipline, self-confidence and self-motivation, character traits essential to becoming emotionally healthy, contributing members of our community.
A staff of professional artists develop the talents and skills of some 60 youth who spend nine hours together Monday through Friday for 9 weeks for acting, dance and vocal training and hands-on work with the technical aspects of theater – costume, lighting and set design.
Most past Teen Summer Musical productions have been adaptations of fairy tales whose roles have traditionally been played by Caucasian actors. But here, stories such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Cinderella, Snow White and Peter Pan morph into modern tales that reflect modern experiences. The revisions reflect a look through a true racial equity lens, which allows the youth to relate to the theatrical piece.
The results speak for themselves in a full stage performance mounted in a major theater, with a full professional production team.
2019 performances will take place at Benaroya Hall, 200 University St., August 22 through 25.
Show times Matinee Evening
Thursday, August 22 — 7 p.m.
Friday, August 23 Noon 7 p.m.
Saturday, August 24 1 7 p.m.
Sunday, August 25 3 p.m. —
Ticket information
$18 for youth (ages 4-17) and seniors (62+); $23 for adults. Patrons under the age of 3 are permitted without a ticket.
Tickets are available here: https://www.seattlesymphony.org/concerttickets/calendar/2018-2019/benaroyahall/uncle-willys-chocolate-factory
The play is an adaptation of the book Charlie and the Chocolate by Roald Dahl. Adapted and directed by Isiah Anderson, Jr. Music directed by Michelle Lang and choreography by Tyrone “Koach T” Crosby.
Seattle Parks and Recreation’s Teen Summer Musical is sponsored in part by Lyft, Banner Bank, Regal, Popeye’s, Swedish Hospital, Woodland Park Players, Seattle Office of Arts & Culture, and New Seasons Market.