Hello future Pokémon Masters! We’ve noticed you coming out in droves to our great parks capturing the errant Bulbasaur or Gastly (and many, many Zubats). We love that you are out enjoying the beauty and bounty of our amazing park system. We have some training tips to help your Pokémon hunting stay safe and happy.
Be aware of your surroundings. That Eevee may look like it’s on the trail, but distance and terrain can be deceiving. Make sure you’re staying aware of what’s around you, including other players. Move off trails to do your battle, and keep pathways, exits, and equipment clear. Many of our parks are located along busy streets. Look before you chase.
Respect private property. Parks are often neighbors to private homes and businesses. If you see a Snorlax dash into an adjacent yard, let it go! Besides, parks are great places for relaxation and reflection too. Pack a picnic, lay down a blanket, use an incense, and let the Jigglypuffs come to you.
Remember park rules. Like private property, stay out of areas that are closed to the public. Many areas that are closed off in our parks are under repair or otherwise hazardous. Most parks are open from 4 a.m. – 11:30 p.m., so keep that in mind as you hunt your nocturnal ghost and fairy types.
Get out and visit our great parks! Different kinds of Pokémon generate in different places. We have 400 parks in our amazing city with a huge range of terrain types. Try visiting Myrtle Edwards Park for fantastic views of the Puget Sound and potential water types. Trek into the interior of Seward Park for shady trails filled with native vegetation and keep a look out for flying types. Try Woodland Park for skate parks, dirt bike ramps, and for grass and bug types. Our parks also have fantastic artifacts, historical landmarks, and artwork that serve as hundreds of Pokéstops. Re-discover your neighborhood park or visit a new part of the city.
Most of all, stay safe and have fun. Gotta catch ’em all!