Seattle Parks and Recreation is very excited to announce our partnership with Google Maps! We’re borrowing the Google Trekker camera for the months of May and June to map our many park trails. Our staff will be out weekly carrying the Google Trekker Camera, which will map our park interiors and trails in 360-degree view.
The Street View Trekker, a wearable backpack with a camera system on top. The Trekker is worn by an operator and is walked through pedestrian walkways or trails on foot, automatically gathering images as it goes. That imagery is then stitched together to create the 360-degree panoramas you see today in Google Maps. Seattle Parks and Recreation staff will be working in teams to map the interiors of our parks throughout the city. Once the imagery is collected, users everywhere will be invited to tour our parks and trek our trails from their computers and phones.
This technology has been taken to some of the most important natural and historical sites in the world, including the Grand Canyon and the Pyramids of Giza. We can’t wait to bring those views to our many world-famous parks and open spaces!
Look for updates later this year when the imagery is released. Plan your next hike with our virtual trails, then come out and visit them in person!