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Seattle Parks and Recreation improves lighting at Bitter Lake Playfield

Seattle Parks and Recreation contracted with Musco Lighting to install new lights for Bitter Lake Playfield located at 13034 Linden Avenue N. Parks anticipates construction lasting approximately one week, from Monday, July 27 through Saturday, August 1, 2015. The playfield will be closed during construction and the tennis courts will experience temporary closures.

The project improves lighting at the Bitter Lake Playfield by installing new safe, efficient lighting and providing lighting that will enhance playability of the field for field users with while eliminating as much objectionable glare and light spill into the neighborhood as possible. The project will replace three lighting poles with one new pole and state-of-the-art lighting fixtures.

The upgrade begins with demolition of the existing, outdated lighting system and replacement with the new energy efficient system. This project is part of the Ballfield Lighting Replacement Program which provides funding to replace deteriorated wooden poles with metal poles and install new electrical systems. This is a long-term program to replace all deteriorated wood light poles over the next several years at a total estimated cost of $11 million.

For more information on the Bitter Lake Playfield Lighting Replacement Project, please visit For questions about the project, please contact project manager Garrett Farrell at or 206-233-7921.