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Everything you need to know about Seafair Summer 4th

Seafair Summer Fourth 2014 at Gasworks Park, photo by Seafair

Seafair Summer Fourth 2014 at Gasworks Park, photo by Seafair

Date: Saturday, July 4, 2015
Locations: Gas Works Park, 2101 N Northlake Way, or Lake Union Park, 860 Terry Ave N

Where can I find information about the fireworks displays?
The best resource for information regarding the Seafair Summer Fourth firework display is Please note that neither the City of Seattle, nor Seattle Parks and Recreation pays for the firework display.

Where can I view the public firework display?
The best views of the public firework display are from Gas Works Park and Lake Union Park. Both locations are free to the public, but also feature reserved, ticketed seating. Reserved seating for both locations can be purchased here.

Seafair Summer Fourth 2014 at Gas Works Park, photo by Seafair

Seafair Summer Fourth 2014 at Gas Works Park, photo by Seafair

What takes place at the parks?

Gas Works Park: Noon – 11 p.m.
-All-American games presented by Smith Brothers Farms
-Festival-style food trucks and concessions
-Large beverage garden
-Exhibit booths
-Kids Zone
-Washington National Guard Display
-SkyDive Kapowsin Landing Zone
-DoubleDown interactive live music and entertainment stage – emceed by Warm 106.9 FM
-Open and reserved seating options

South Lake Union Park: 3 p.m. – 11 p.m. 
-Tutta Bella Neapolitan Pizzeria live music and entertainment stage
-Food booths and concessions
-Beverage garden
-Exhibit booths
-Part of Lake Union Wooden Boat Festival
-Open and reserved seating options

If I attend Seafair Summer Fourth events, what are the rules?
– No alcoholic beverages are permitted at the event unless they are purchased at the on-site beer garden
– No personal barbeques are permitted
– No marijuana is permitted
– No fireworks, explosives, incendiary materials or devices are permitted
– No pets other than service animals are permitted
– No weapons or firearms are permitted
– Tents are allowed, but must be collapsed at dusk
– No glass bottles are permitted
– No illegal drugs are permitted
– All bags and coolers are subject to search

What can I bring with me?
– Food and non-alcoholic beverages (coolers are subject to search)

What’s the best way to get there?
Give yourself plenty of time to get to the event. Public transportation is encouraged, but buses will be running on a reduced holiday schedule (Plan your trip here). Parking will be limited due to street closure. People with disabilities will get parking on a first-come, first-serve basis. Cyclists are welcome to use the express entrance, but there will be a limited number of bike racks inside the park.

Tips from Seattle Parks Crew Chiefs
– Slather on the sunscreen!
– Do not drink and drive!
– Parking enforcement will be out in full force, be careful to adhere to street signs and do not block driveways or park on private property (take public transit!)
– Pets are not allowed in the park during Seafair Summer Fourth – please leave them at home! A hot vehicle is no place for a pooch.