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Fall 2024 off-site programs with South Park Community Center

 FoodFitnessRec N The StreetsCareer Explorations
Tues Boot Camp with Coach Coop 4-5pm @ Marra-Desimone Park, 9026 4th Ave SSTEAM 3-4:30pm @ South Park Hall, 1253 S Cloverdale St 
Wed  5:30-7:30 pm Craft Circles (7:30-8:30 on 10/30)

Dia de los Muertos Partnership with Cultivate @ South Park Hall

Ends Oct. 30
Thurs 9-10 am Somatic Movement with Carmen @ South Park Hall, 1253 S Cloverdale St

4-5 pm Boot Camp with Coach Coop @ Marra-Desimone Park, 9026 4th Ave S

6:30-7:30 Somatic Movement with Carmen @ South Park Hall, 1253 S Cloverdale St
3-4:30 pm After School Club @ South Park Library, 8604 8th Ave S 
Fri 9-10 am Mommy and Me @ South Park Hall, 1253 S Cloverdale St  

11:30 am -12:30 pm Running Club @ 614 S Riverside Drive, 98108
SatNutrition Education and Cooking Demo @ Delridge Farmers Market, 9421 18th Ave SW.

Ends October 26
10am-12pm Food & Fitness Program with CEXP   10a-5pm @ Southwest Teen Life Center, 2801 SW Thistle St 

Art Evenings, preparation for Dia de los Muertos

Wednesdays, 5:30-7:30 PM (7:30-8:30 PM on October 30).

1253 S Cloverdale St.
Fuerza Clases para Equilibrio, Abdominales y Postura

Los jueves empezando el 3 de Octubre 6:30-7:30pm

South Park Hall 1253 S Cloverdale St Seattle WA 98108
Strength Balance Core & Posture Classes

Thursday evenings starting Oct. 3rd 6:30-7:30 pm

South Park Hall 1253 S Cloverdale St Seattle WA 98108
Mama y Yo
Clases de Movimiento

Cuando:  Los viernes empezando el 4 de octubre, 9am-10am

South Park Hall 1253 S Cloverdale St Seattle WA 98108
Mommy and Me Movement Classes

Fridays starting October 4th, 9am-10am

South Park Hall 1253 S Cloverdale St Seattle WA 98108
Cultivar su Ritmo:  Club Para Corredores Principiantes

Cuando: Los viernes 11:30-am-12:30 pm

614 Riverside Drive, Seattle, WA 98108
Cultivate your Pace:  Beginners Jogging Club

Fridays 11:30-am-12:30 pm

614 Riverside Drive, Seattle, WA 98108
Gentle Stretching for Adults

Thursdays starting October 3rd.  9am-10am and 10am-11am

South Park Hall
1253 S Cloverdale St, Seattle, WA 98108
Estiramiento Ligero Para Adultos

Cada Jueves Empezando el 3 de Octubre de 9am a 10 am y 10am a 100am

South Park Hall
1253 S Cloverdale St, Seattle, WA 98108