Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) invites the community to help shape the next phase of improvements at Be’er Sheva Park. Phase II will focus on renovating the play area, resurfacing the basketball court, and installing a new accessible path with a fitness zone. Thank you to everyone who has engaged with us in June. We will be hosting this final meeting for this phase of our outreach and encourage you to come out to the park and help shape your Be’er Sheva Park. Please join us:
- Sunday, June 30, from 1 to 3 p.m. at Be’er Sheva Park, 8650 55th Ave. S.
- The afternoon will be full of music, food and community engagement to inform park improvements.
We want to hear from you on how the play area, basketball court, fitness zone and other park amenities should be designed, what makes them great, what’s missing, and how we can best incorporate new features. Additionally, we invite the community to participate in a short survey for this phase at Be’er Sheva Park. Please visit:
Following the June outreach events, the Site Workshop design team will develop several options reflecting the community’s top priorities for the renovation. New site furnishings, including picnic tables/benches, barbeques, bike racks, and other park elements to welcome community gatherings will be incorporated into the design. This project may include other related improvements to enhance safety, accessibility, and natural areas as budget allows. Be’er Sheva Park is located in southeast Seattle on the shores of Lake Washington at 8650 55th Ave S. For more information on the event and project please visit or contact Shaquan Smith at