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Love Your Parks

Expose by Todd Burley 

February is a month of love, and Seattleites love their parks. We see this every two years when Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) conducts a survey, and the support for our public parks is always extremely high. SPR appreciates this amazing support and works daily to ensure that these open spaces are accessible and well-maintained for the enjoyment of our residents and visitors. We love our parks, too! 

You can show your love for parks in many ways. 

3 side-by-side bins for garbage, compost, and recycling.

Get To Know Your Trash 

No one likes a park full of rubbish, and our staff work daily to pick up what others have left behind. One way to help this problem from getting worse is to pack out your own trash when visiting parks. Or make sure it gets into the proper bin, a black or grey one for landfill and a blue one for recycling. Only recycle if it is empty, clean, and recyclable in Seattle – this way you can ensure that the bag isn’t contaminated and will actually get recycled. Learn how to “recycle right.” 

Photo of 2 people walking along a trail.

Take a Walk (on the trail) 

love to walk in parks! In fact, it is the most popular activity. When you do, make sure to stay on the designated trails. Paths and trails in parks are there by design, and sticking to them ensures that habitat isn’t degraded, and turf is not damaged. With 750,000 people living in Seattle, your one step adds up to be a small part of a larger impact. Together we can protect areas off the trail for everyone to enjoy. 

Photo of 2 people walking their dog on a leash around the inner loop of Green Lake Park

Stay Connected (to your dog) 

We know you love your dog almost as much as they love you. So, keep your canine companion close to you – six feet or less. SPR has 14 off-leash dog parks if you want to let your furry friend go wild, but the wild areas in our parks are homes to animals that are doing their best to find refuge in an urban setting. So, keep that leash on while in our parks, and prevent the impact (and poop) from building up in places that other people (and wildlife) use.  

Photo of two volunteers planting seedlings in a forest.

Share Your Time 

There are many love languages out there, but one way SPR appreciates receiving love is through the gift of your time. Advisory Councils guide our work while Park Inspectors help us improve our parks. You can also give your time and skills as a coach or environmental educator, or through forest restoration and trail work. Find the many ways you can volunteer in your parks

Photo of a man clearing graffiti on a retaining wall at the edge of a park.

Be Attentive 

Parks are community gathering places, providing everything from playgrounds and recreational spaces to natural areas and pools. But with 489 parks, SPR staff can’t be everywhere all the time. You can be the eyes on your local park, sharing with our staff when there is an issue that needs addressing. Is that irrigation pipe leaking? Is there some new graffiti? Does the trash need to be picked up? Share what you notice using the Find It Fix It app, or send an email to  

Sharing love for parks is contagious. Maybe next time you notice an employee doing a good job, you can send us a note or just let them know you appreciate their work. We sure appreciate your support over the years and look forward to a long and loving relationship.