Public comment period closes March 9
Seattle Parks and Recreation(SPR) is happy to announce the release of the 2024 Parks and Open Space Plan Draft. To review the draft plan please visit SPR will be accepting public comments on the draft plan until March 9, 2024.
To provide input on the plan please participate in the Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners Public Hearing on February 22, 2024 with in-person and online participation available. Please visit for details on how to participate. Additionally, you can send input directly to Kevin Bergsrud, Senior Park Planner, at
“We look forward to the community reviewing this plan and thank everyone who participated to date,” said AP Diaz, Seattle Parks and Recreation Superintendent. “This plan reflects community input and is an important building block in creating open space in Seattle that will promote healthy people, a thriving environment and vibrant communities for generations to come.”
Starting in early 2023 Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) began an update to the Parks and Open Space Plan (POSP). Every six years SPR must update the POSP to maintain the City’s eligibility for state grants through the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO).
The POSP guides where park development, improvements, and asset maintenance projects should occur; and where open space should be prioritized for acquisition. The plan serves as an opportunity for SPR to align its acquisition and capital development program with the department’s strategic and funding priorities.
The 2024 POSP recommends a citywide “Level of Service” (LOS) standard to identify where future recreation facilities should be located which in turn informs asset improvements and property acquisition priorities. Rather than an acres per 1,000 residents guideline, the 2024 POSP outlines a level of service standard based on walkability. This is consistent with the direction of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The two walkability distances are:
- 5-minute walkability guideline to be applied within the Urban Center boundary; and
- 10-minute walkability guideline to be applied outside of the Urban Center boundary
This change recognizes walkability is a better measure for how well our spaces are servicing the needs of the community because they are based on an individual’s ability to access open spaces within a reasonable walking distance. This change will also help SPR align with the capital planning approach of other City departments.
For SPR to plan equitably for future recreational facilities and programming the 2024 POSP reviewed demographics of the city, recreation participation and needs. While property acquisition is primarily opportunity driven, analysis gap areas for walkability informed by demographics help define SPR’s priorities and needs for future acquisition and development projects.
Timeline and next steps for the POSP are below. These are the steps necessary to submit the POSP to RCO as the plan must be adopted by the City Council prior to submission:
- January 25 Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners briefing
- February 9 Public release of draft Plan (public comment period begins)
- February 16 State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist posted
- February 22 Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners Public Hearing
- March 9 Public comment period closes for draft plan
- March 14 Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners discussion and recommendations
- March 22 Transmit legislation to City Council pending Superintendent approval
- May Submit to Washington state Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) pending Council approval
For additional information please visit or contact Kevin Bergsrud, Senior Park Planner, at or 206-684-5831.