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Seattle Parks and Recreation replaces fencing around towers in Gas Works Park

Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) contracted with All City Fence Company to repair, replace and enhance the existing fence and gates around the Cracking Towers at the historic landmarked Gas Work Park. The purpose of this work is to make it much more difficult to cut and/or climb the fence and access the towers as they are not safe to climb on and they continue to attract graffiti and other acts of vandalism.  All City Fence Company begins work on Monday, May 8 and anticipates being completed by mid-June.

Entering the area behind the fencing surrounding the Cracking Towers has been and will continue to be prohibited. No Trespassing signs are posted.  SPR will be implementing enhanced enforcement and monitoring measures starting this summer once the fencing work has been completed.  

SPR’s Gas Works Park East Entry and Comfort Station project is progressing well with the new restroom facility anticipated to be open this summer. To learn more about all projects at Gas Works Park please visit