Rainbow Recreation provides programs for LGBTQ+ adults age 50+. See the full Fall 2022 Rainbow Recreaiton Brochure here.
At Miller Community Center, 330 19th Ave E., Seattle, 206-684-4753
- GENTLE YOGA: Stretch and move with awareness, correct alignment, and a focus on breath to increase strength and stamina, improve flexibility, and develop better balance, posture, and peace of mind. Chair seated participants are welcome. #50917 9/19-11/14 Mon 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. $56
- CREATE AND CONNECT: Join with your water-based art project, craft supplies, knitting or mending to work alongside others, be inspired and connect. Explore ideas for additional creative time together. #50920 10/4 Tue 2-3:30 p.m. FREE
- SING FOR JOY: Hear what your voice can do when it connects with others! We’ll explore some fun ways to sing together in community. All levels of musical ability are encouraged and welcome. #50918 10/6-10/27 Thu 1:30-2:30 p.m. $12
Field Trip
- Carkeek Park Salmon: Learn, connect, and gain the benefits of time spent in nature when we travel to Carkeek Park during peak salmon run season. We’ll hear about these amazing creatures and the watershed. Dress to be comfortable walking outdoors in the woods on uneven terrain for a few hours in the PNW Fall. Bring trail snacks / lunch and water bottle in a day pack if you like. Depart Miller CC at 9:30 a.m. #50919 11/15 Tue 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. $10
Special Event
- “Phoenix” Performance: Overcoming adversity, making anew — themes many can relate to for a variety of reasons — will be explored in “Phoenix”, an original intergenerational theater production presented by SilverKite Community Arts’ Intergenerational Theater Company. A joint Rainbow Recreation and Dementia-Friendly Recreation offering for LGBTQ+ identified community members, persons living with memory loss, care partners, friends and allies. The production is funded through a Group Arts grant from 4Culture. #50944 10/24 Mon 2:30-4 p.m. FREE
At Green Lake Community Center, 7201 E Green Lake Dr. N, Seattle, 206-684-4753
- T’AI Chi CHIH: Work through a slow moving meditative routine of nineteen moves and one pose. These movements circulate and balance the internal energy (Chi) to all the organs, muscles, and bones. Anyone can do it, and chair seated students are welcome. #50921 10/6-12/8 Thu 10:30-11:30 p.m. $63
Fall 2022 programs: register in advance with a Seattle Parks and Recreation account, or phone or visit any community center and provide the 6-digit activity number and payment, if needed.