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Westcrest Park play area equipment update

Seattle Parks and Recreation will begin construction this summer and install new play equipment at Westcrest Park. The play area has been closed for safety reasons and will reopen in fall 2022 when installation is complete.

This new play structure replaces a wooden one that has deteriorated beyond repair and the play area has been closed for safety reasons.

Seattle Park District is funding the work. Approved by voters in 2014, the Seattle Park District provides more than $47 million a year in long-term funding to tackle the $267-million major maintenance backlog for Seattle Parks and Recreation as well as other facilities including the Aquarium and Zoo. In addition, it provides funding to improve and rehabilitate community centers, preserve the urban forest, perform day-to-day maintenance of parks and facilities, provide more recreation opportunities for people from underserved communities, provide programs for people of all ages and abilities, and acquire and develop new park land.

For more information, please visit Westcrest Park – Parks |  If you have addition questions please contact Shannon Glass at or (206) 733-9319.