Seattle Parks and Recreation is happy to announce the Marra-Desimone Park renovation is substantially complete and the park is open. Marra-Desimone Park (including Marra-farm) is located at 501 South Director Street in the South Park neighborhood.
SPR developed the park renovation plan through extensive community engagement and used the 2008 Marra-Desimone Park Long Range Development Plan as a launching point for the park design. The park provides a start to an accessible, multi-use, and attractive park that will improve park/farm safety and visibility through Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles. The renovated park, shaped by budget and community priorities, is a phased park development that includes accessible pathways and walking loops, a central open green area, benches, picnic tables, drainage improvements, paved parking lot with ADA parking, new irrigation system with solar powered control system, and 80+ trees and grass plantings.
Subsequent phases of park development will address other community/park needs, including addition of a play area, added park benches, more picnic tables, gathering facilities (shelters, meeting space, Harvest Center), farm improvements, and other active play facilities. As part of the Marra-Desimone Park improvement project, SPR is collaborated with SDOT on street accessibility improvements on South 7th St. and Director Avenue South and included these improvements into the construction project.
This project is funded by the Parks and Green Spaces Levy.
For more information about this project and to download translated flyer please visit For questions contact Jay Rood, Seattle Parks and Recreation, 206-733-9194 or