While we cannot meet in person right now, your input is important to us! Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) invites the community to participate in the future of South Park Plaza site by reviewing the schematic design and taking this short survey https://seattle.surveymonkey.com/r/SouthParkPlaza2021.
The oxbow/round design for the plaza site, 8456 Dallas Ave. S, offers a play area, plantings, gathering area for community events, seating terraces, picnic area and open lawn.
The success of this community park is dependent on community input and participation. If you would like to participate in planning for future activation and incorporating cultural elements in the design we encourage you to participate in the survey and sign up for a focus group.
In 2014, as part of a community-initiated acquisition, SPR purchased the .83-acre site at 8456 Dallas Ave. S, just west of the South Park Bridge to provide the community more open space. SPR is ready to move this new park and plaza project forward and we are excited to work with the South Park neighborhood to develop a design for the community gathering space.
This project was made possible by the voter-approved Seattle Park District, which provides more than $47 million a year in long-term funding for SPR, including maintenance of parklands and facilities, operation of community centers and recreation programs, and development of new neighborhood parks on previously acquired sites.
For more information about the project or translated version of the press release please visit http://www.seattle.gov/parks/about-us/current-projects/south-park-plaza-landbanked-site-park-development.
For additional questions or if you need an interpreter or accommodations please contact Jay Rood at Jay.rood@seattle.gov.