Update 6/14/21:please see this post instead since pool offerings and procedures have changed.
We’re excited to announce another pool re-opening to the public! Rainier Beach Pool will open for lap swimming and independent water fitness starting Monday, April 19. Hours are Mon//Tues/Thurs/Fri from 11:30am-6:30pm, Wednesdays from 2:30pm-6:30pm, and Sat/Sun from 8:30-3:30pm. Swimmers must be age 13 and up. Pool admission must be reserved in advance online or via phone 206-386-1925. The first reservations can be made on Thursday, April 15 at 11am. (Video demonstration of registration process .)
Compliance with safety guidance is critical to keeping this facility open and safe for all. To that end, some special procedures have been put in place. Please watch this very helpful video illustrating how to use the pool when it re-opens. Also, please see this FAQ with answers about what to expect.
Currently, only lap swim and independent water fitness (independent water jogging or exercise) will be offered at the pool. Please note that at this time, only the lap pool is open. The leisure pool, spa and sauna are all closed. We are not currently offering swim lessons, recreational swim, or family swim. We are hopeful that we may be able to add other swim sessions soon.
For info about the pool schedule and offerings, see here.
Medgar Evers Pool opened earlier this spring on a pilot basis.
Seattle Parks and Recreation continues to keep most pools closed. With public health restrictions, limited staffing, and a reduced budget reopening all pools is not currently feasible. As Rainier Beach Pool and Medgar Evers Pool operate more regularly and safely, we hope conditions are favorable for opening additional pools and aquatics programs as staffing and health guidance allows.
The Governor’s guidance for counties in Phase 3 allows for pools to operate if they are at a reduced capacity and follow public health guidelines. For pool visitors, that means limited access to common areas and lockers (no lockers are available at this time), wearing masks when not in the pool, and temperature checks upon entry. Additional safety measures for staff and the facility will include increased cleaning, temperature checks for staff and pool users, masks required when not in the pool, and two or fewer users per lane. For more information about the WA State Department’s guidance on pool operations under Phase 3, please see here.
For the most current list of what’s open and what’s closed please visit this web page.