While we cannot meet in person right now, your input is important to the future of the Salmon Bay Park play area! Salmon Bay Park is a neighborhood park in Ballard at 2001 NW Canoe Pl, Seattle WA 98117. Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) incorporated the community’s early input—all 350 responses—for the play area renovation project into three concept designs. The project team appreciates your previous input and encourages additional community participation.
Please participate in the design by first viewing the design team project presentation here https://youtu.be/ecraZ07Gs4E and then taking a short survey, https://seattle.surveymonkey.com/r/SalmonBayDesign. We will be hosting an online Open House to answer any additional questions and gather further input on Thursday, January 21, 2021 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. The online Open House will be hosted on Webex at http://bit.ly/SalmonBayOpenHouse and can be accessed through your web browser. Please join us! All links and additional information can be found on the project website.
SPR’s project team wants to hear what the community values about this park and play area, and how it might be improved. Three concepts will be presented proposing new play equipment layouts (the newly replaced zipline will be retained), adjusting equipment locations, potential access improvements, and locations for new and replaced site furnishings. Renovated elements will meet current safety and accessibility standards.
For more information please visit http://www.seattle.gov/parks/about-us/current-projects/salmon-bay-park-play-area-renovation or contact Jessica Michalak at Jessica.Michalak@seattle.gov or 206-470-9147.