Need some space to throw the frisbee after work with your household? Maybe kick the soccer ball with the kids to burn some energy? Seattle Parks and Recreation is offering a pilot program that provides community members (households or groups of 5 and under) field space for free drop-in activity.
Normally, field use requires a paid reservation, but SPR has dedicated a number of athletic fields for open community drop-in.
11 athletic fields will be available every Wednesday and Saturday at the following locations:
Brighton Playfield | Genesee Upper Playfield |
Delridge South Playfield | Genesee Lower Playfield |
Delridge North Playfield | Georgetown Playfield |
Jefferson Playfield | Lower Woodland Playfield #2 |
Magnuson Playfield #5 | Miller Playfield |
Montlake Playfield |

Please remember that COVID-19 is still a growing concern in our community and region. For this pilot to be successful, it is important that organized user groups understand that the allocated Wednesdays and Saturdays at these fields are for drop-in use only. If organized teams violate this rule by coordinating use during the drop-in times, SPR will issue a verbal and/or written warning. Repeated violations may result in the organization being placed last in line for priority use on fields.
- No games or scrimmages
- No organized team sports
- Masks required for drop-in play
- Fields must be shared, no exclusive use during drop-in times
- Report violators: (206) 684-7094
Remember to follow the current COVID guidelines. Play is limited to members of the same household, or groups of five and under with social distancing practices in place.
See the interactive map here.
Questions? Please contact, Manager of Athletic Scheduling, (206) 684-7094.