Take a 3-hour fun break with Geoteaming’s Virtual Amazing Race! Join Seattle Parks and Recreation on Saturday, September 26 from noon to 4 p.m. for a high-tech virtual experience designed to boost your critical thinking and problem solving skills. People of all ages can join as a team with members of your household – or sign up as a solo team.
Use your smart device (anything with internet access that can take pictures) to compete and participate in high energy and interactive challenges, which can be easily completed from inside or outside your home. At the end of the race, we will come together and share our experiences.
Check out this video for more info!
Registration is open NOW, at $15 per team. Three days prior to the race you will receive an email with a link and directions for moving forward. You will join the race by downloading an app and participating via Zoom. (Disregard the ‘location’ info in the registration portal. This is a virtual event.)
Register here: https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/seattle/activity/search/detail/35431?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true
Please remember to social distance from other teams in your neighborhood and wear a mask.
For more information, contact Vicki Allgood at vicki.allgood@seattle.gov