Based on King County Public Health recommendations, the City has decided to delay opening until at least July 15 due to a sharp increase in King County COVID-19 cases. The opening of selected swim beaches will “now be delayed for a minimum of two weeks as City officials and Public Health Seattle & King County continue to monitor transmission rates and case numbers.” You can read more from the Mayor’s blog release here.
Starting on Wednesday, July 1, selected lifeguarded swimming areas will open for summer fun! This is welcome news for all who have been waiting for more ways to enjoy the nice weather during this challenging time. Staying safe is still of critical importance, so there are some new guidelines to follow that will help keep the swim areas open. (See graphic below.)
Pritchard, Matthews, Madison, and Mount Baker beaches, plus the swim area at west Green Lake (next to Seattle Public Theatre) will be open, weather permitting, from
· noon to 7 pm weekdays
· 11am to 7pm weekends
· The parking lots associated with these swim
areas will also be open
To reduce the likelihood of a high-contact water rescue, swimmers need to be no deeper than chest high. Masks are highly encouraged when not swimming, and everyone must stay 6 feet away from others. To help reduce crowding, visit the swimming area only in groups of 5 or less. For those tending to children, please stay within arms reach of kids under five. These swim areas and hours are subject to change depending on public health and other conditions.
And as always, stay home when sick.
Please be advised that the swimming lesson and loaner life jacket programs are suspended this summer.