Original April 7 registration date is delayed due to COVID-19
Due to the current COVID-19 crisis, Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) is delaying registration for Summer Camps and certain other activities that were set to open for registration on April 7.
Please see below for our current registration dates for summer programming.
Registration opens May 5 for the following programs/activities:
Community Center programs, Lifelong Recreation programs, Specialized Programs, Amy Yee Tennis Center, Indoor Pools, Outdoor Pools, Summer Small Craft Center programs, Summer Swim League, Adult Athletics, and School Year Licensed Care.
Registration opens May 12 for the following programs/activities:
Day Camps, Activity Camps, Preschool Camps, City Wide Youth Athletics Camps, Nature Preschool Camps.
As we continue to evaluate the impacts of COVID-19 on the community, our facilities and programs, we will provide updates and more information about spring and summer programs on our blog: https://parkways.seattle.gov//