Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) continues to be in communication with, and following the guidance of, Public Health—Seattle & King County (PHSKC), the City’s Office of Emergency Management, and Washington Department of Health regarding COVID-19.
SPR impacts:
- Programs for seniors canceled: All Lifelong Recreation classes, trips, and drop-in programs for seniors are canceled starting Thursday, March 5 for at least the next two weeks. Details here.
- Currently, no SPR facilities are closed.
- If an SPR program is canceled or if a facility is closed, we will notify patrons (either by direct email or phone message for registered participants, or by notices via web, social media, and media for the general public).
Stay informed:
Please check the following resources for updates about SPR operations and facilities:
- Seattle Parks and Recreation Website:
- Seattle Parks and Recreation Facebook Page:
- Seattle Parks and Recreation on Twitter:
- Public Service Announcements made by the media about Seattle Parks and Recreation closures.
- Facility Voicemails: Please call your community center or pool for updates on their outgoing voicemail message
- Facility Facebook Pages
How can you help?
As a best practice, SPR encourages anyone who feels sick with cold or flu symptoms to stay home and avoid contact with others. If you have health concerns or questions, please contact your regular doctor. PHSKC also recommends the following:
It’s important that everyone take steps to reduce the spread of novel coronavirus, especially to protect those who are more vulnerable. Steps you can take to prevent spread of flu and the common cold will also help prevent coronavirus:
-Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If not available, use hand sanitizer.
-Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
-Avoid contact with people who are sick
-Stay home while you are sick and avoid close contact with others
-Cover your mouth/nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing
If you are traveling overseas, check for the latest COVID-19 Travel Alerts and follow the CDC’s Travelers’ Health guidance: guidance:
More recommendations about how to prevent the spread of illness in the home and in the community is available from PHSKC here.
Increased cleaning at SPR facilities:
As a best practice to prevent the spread of viruses during this cold and flu season, and in response to general concerns over Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), SPR is increasing custodial cleaning efforts at our facilities, including community centers and pools.
SPR is implementing these measures to support basic good cleaning and hygiene care at our high-traffic public facilities, and not in response to a specific exposure risk.
In addition to our already-established custodial routines, we will be implementing the following measures:
- SPR will install Hand Sanitizing stations in lobby areas at our public facilities
- SPR will increase the
number of times that the following high-traffic areas are sanitized, with
custodians sanitizing these areas three times during their shift:
- Bathroom countertops, stall handles, and flushing devices
- Entry/exit door handles and surrounding areas
- Lobby desk tops
Coronavirus and Stigma:
Please see important information below from PHSKC on preventing discrimination and stigma around coronavirus.
Discrimination based on ethnicity or ancestry will make the situation worse. Having Chinese ancestry – or any other ancestry – does not make a person more vulnerable to this illness. Coronavirus doesn’t recognize race, nationality nor ethnicity.