Seattle Parks and Recreation is pleased to announce a funding opportunity for wintertime events in city parks. Individuals and community groups can request up to $1,000 in funding for events that have a significant arts component and which engage underserved communities.
The events must be completed by the end of the day on Sunday, December 22, 2019, and awardees must submit a final invoice with receipts and accompanying documentation by no later than noon on Monday, December 23, 2019. The deadline for applications is November 13, 2019.
The Arts in Parks initiative is an opportunity for the city to invest in the vibrant cultural work being done in and by diverse communities throughout Seattle. This pilot program supports neighborhood arts councils, local artists, and community-based groups that are seeking to activate Seattle Parks with new and established festivals or events that promote arts and cultural participation, celebrate our diversity, and build community connections with historically underserved communities including immigrant and refugee communities, communities of color, low-income communities and LGBTQ communities.
Who can apply:
• Individuals, artists, neighborhood arts councils and local community-based groups are eligible.
• Organizations and individual artists representing underserved communities – especially communities of color, immigrant and refugee communities, low-income communities, and LGBTQ communities – are encouraged to apply.
• Those applying are NOT required to be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit NOR are they required to use a fiscal agent.
If funded, applicants will need to have or acquire a City of Seattle Business License, and insurance for the event as specified in the Parks Use Permit form (these costs can be part of the project’s budget).
More information on business licenses can be found at the link below. City of Seattle business licenses start at $27.50.
Qualifying projects must:
• Have a significant arts and culture component (such as musicians or other performers or art activity)
• Be free and open to the public
• Provide a platform for or engage under-represented artists and/or communities
• Adhere to Seattle Park’s mission statement: “Seattle Parks and Recreation provides welcoming and safe opportunities to play, learn, contemplate and build community, and promotes responsible stewardship of the land”
• Take place outdoors in a City of Seattle park (Downtown parks, playfields, and green spaces adjacent to community centers are not eligible – see the list below)
Goals of the Arts in Parks initiative are to support and increase the presence of art in public spaces – specifically in public parks, to increase engagement of historically underserved communities in the program, and to support and increase the number of positive, family-friendly events that build community, celebrate diversity, and promote arts and cultural participation.
Proposals submitted to the program will be evaluated on the following criteria:
• Quality of Project: Clear, well-conceived, authentic relationship to the community, promotes arts participation and community relations.
• Community Impact: Project plan describes meaningful efforts to create community participation and reach diverse and underserved audiences.
• Feasibility: The project should demonstrate it has the people involved and resources available that it needs to be successful in producing the event; evidence of community involvement and support; and a clear realistic budget.
The guidelines and application are below:
2019 AiP Wintertime events Funding Guidelines – FINAL
AIP Park Use Permit Application 2019
AIP Fee Reduction Application 2019
Park Use Insurance Requirements
Applicants must submit the following three documents at the same time. An application will not be considered complete until all three documents are received:
1. 2019 Wintertime Community Events Project Application
2. City of Seattle Parks Use Permit Application including site map (does not need to be pre-approved by Events Scheduling)
3. A City of Seattle Parks Fee Waiver Request (does not need to be pre-approved by Events Scheduling)
Application documents should be submitted to Arts in Parks by:
1. Emailing documents, or scans of documents to: artsinparks@seattle.gov.
2. Postal Mailing or hand delivering documents to:
Seattle Parks and Recreation- Westbridge Facility
c/o Arts In Parks
4201 W. Marginal Way SW
Seattle, WA 98106
The deadline for applications is November 13, 2019 but you are more than welcome to submit your application before then and we will notify awardees within 5 business days of receiving your application.
Applications will be received starting October 29, 2019 and ending at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 13, 2019.
Applicants will be notified of their project status within 5 business days (by Wednesday, November 20, 2019).
We’re here to help! Contact Arts in Parks at 206-233-5168 or artsinparks@seattle.gov.
- Please note submitted projects may be funded at less than the amount requested, depending on the total number of eligible applications and amounts requested.
- Applicants whose projects are funded will be required to sign a funding contract. A department representative will also have to sign it before any items are purchased or expenses are incurred for their project.
- Generally, we expect to have contracts fully signed by all parties by Wednesday November 27, and generally expect events to take place between November 28 to December 22.
- If awarded the applicant will need to provide event insurance as described on pages 2 – 3 of the attached Park Use Permit application.
- Does having a performer or musician as part of the event qualify as a significant arts and culture component? Yes.
- Must the event take place outdoors and in a City of Seattle park? Yes.
- Are there city parks which are not eligible for holding an event funded by this program? Yes, see the list below.
Only City of Seattle parks are eligible sites for these events. Please visit www.Seattle.gov/Parks to look up a specific park to ensure it is a City of Seattle park.
Downtown City parks are NOT ELIGIBLE for events funded by this program, which are:
- 2100 Westlake
- Alaskan Way Blvd
- Bell Street BLVD
- Belltown P-Patch
- Cascade Playground
- City Hall Park
- Denny Park
- Denny Regrade OLA
- Donnie Chin International Children’s Park
- Elliott Bay Bike Path
- Freeway Park
- Hing Hay Park
- Kobe Terrace
- McGraw Square
- Myrtle Edwards
- Occidental Square
- Pier 62/63
- Pioneer Square Park
- Plymouth Pillars Park and Off Leash Area
- Prefontaine Place
- South Lake Union
- Tilikum Place
- Union Station Square
- Victor Steinbrueck
- Waterfront Park
- Washington Street Boat Landing
- Westlake Square
- Westlake Park
Green spaces adjacent to community centers are NOT ELIGIBLE for events funded by this program, such as:
- Alki Playground
- Ballard Playground
- Bitter Lake Playfield
- Camp Long
- Carkeek Park
- Delridge Playfield
- Discovery Park
- Garfield Playfield
- Green Lake Playfield
- Hiawatha Playfield
- Laurelhurst Playfield
- Loyal Heights Playfield
- Magnolia Playfield
- Magnuson Park
- Meadowbrook Playfield
- Miller Playfield
- Montlake Playfield
- Northgate Park
- Rainier Beach Playfield
- Rainier Playfield
- Ravenna-Eckstein Park
- South Park Playground
- Van Asselt Playground
- Walt Hundley Playfield
- West Queen Anne Playfield
- Yesler Playfield
Are there items for which program funding cannot be used for? Yes.
Program funds cannot be used for:
– Fundraising
– Religious services
– Gifts or Awards
– Administrative costs unrelated to the funded activity
– Purchase of equipment
Program funding can be used for many items such as:
– Artist fees
– Marketing
– Project management
– Project personnel costs
– Supplies, equipment rentals
– Park permit and insurance (see permits documents)
– Food (up to 10% of amount awarded)
Questions? Contact Arts in Parks at 206-233-5168 or artsinparks@seattle.gov .