October 18 deadline for submitting names
Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) invites the public to submit potential names for two new parks in the Wedgwood and Genesee-Schmitz neighborhoods. The deadline for submitting names to the Parks Naming Committee is Friday, October 18, 2019.
To support the Wedgwood neighborhood with more open space, SPR purchased the .33-acre future park site at 8605 35th Ave. NE in 2014. SPR and the design consultant, Studio 41 have worked closely with the community over the last year on the design. The design is a multi-use space that includes an open central lawn with curved seat walls, natural log and boulder nodes organized throughout the park and a concrete pedestal for a potential future art installation. The Wedgwood neighborhood has a strong sense of community with a history rooted in farming, gardening, bird watching, art and the natural landscape. Mature, heritage trees and natural rock outcroppings have long been signature elements attracting people to the nature of the area. The neighborhood was developed by Edith and Albert Balch in the 1940’s. Its namesake was given by Edith to commemorate her favorite brand of China. The project will be constructed in summer 2020 we anticipate completion by the end of 2020. To learn more about the project please visit http://www.seattle.gov/parks/about-us/current-projects/wedgwood-landbanked-site-park-development.
48th & Charlestown
SPR purchased .33 acres at 4801 SW Charlestown St. in 2014 for the future development of a park. The corner property had been a small community garden and prior to that a neighborhood grocery store. It has a history as a community gathering space. Osborn Consulting and SPR worked with the community on the design for the new park, which will provide a “neighborhood green” for the people of all ages to meet, eat, play, and celebrate. The design includes an oval lawn surrounded by a loop path with arching seat walls, imaginative and active play for young children, picnic areas, and a small stage. Native and drought-tolerant plants will express the natural history of this area, and trees will frame the park and provide shade. The new park will be completed in 2021. More information on the project can be found. At http://www.seattle.gov/parks/about-us/current-projects/48th-and-charlestown-landbanked-site-park-development.
About the Parks Naming Committee and how to submit suggestions
The Parks Naming Committee is comprised of one representative designated by the Board of Park Commissioners; one by the Chair of the City Council Civic Development, Public Assets and Native Communities Committee; and one by the Parks Superintendent. Criteria the committee considers in naming parks include: geographical location, historical or cultural significance, and natural or geological features. The Park Naming Policy, clarifying the criteria applied when naming a park, can be found at http://www.seattle.gov/parks/Publications/namingPolicy.htm.
The Parks Naming Committee will consider all suggestions and make a recommendation to Seattle Parks and Recreation Superintendent Jesús Aguirre, who will make the final decision.
Please submit suggestions for park names in writing by Friday, October 18, 2019 and include an explanation of how your suggestion matches the naming criteria. Send to Seattle Parks and Recreation, Parks Naming Committee, 100 Dexter Ave. N, Seattle, WA 98109, or by e-mail to paula.hoff@seattle.gov.