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Seattle Parks and Recreation invites community to learn about Mayfair Park improvements

Seattle Parks and Recreation invites the community to an Open House on Wednesday, August 14, 2019 from 5 to 7 p.m. to learn about the Mayfair Park Retaining Wall and Stairway Replacement project. Please join us at Mayfair Park, 2600 2nd Ave. N, on the northeast side of Queen Anne. The project planner and project manager will present project information and answer questions on the upcoming improvements.

This project will replace the aging timber features (stairways, retaining walls, and light fixtures) which have reached the end of their usable life. The play area is not in the scope of this project. We anticipate construction starting the spring of 2020.

For more information about the project please visit

For additional questions or if you need an interpreter or accommodations please contact Libby Hudson at or 206-256-5988.