The Mahogany Project, Cherish, AfricatownGROW, and Rainier Community Center are collaborating on a dynamic, adventurous & fun filled summer camp experience for teens ages 9 to 12. The free program provides tweens with fun opportunities to learn about health, nutrition, and urban farming while doing hands-on art projects, exploration, field trips and more.
Urban Bloom, which runs July 9 to August 16, is free. A $50 registration fee applies.Hours are from 10 am to 2 pm, Monday through Friday. Interested participants can read more about the camp at the bottom of this page, and then follow this link to register:
Urban Bloom Tween Summer Camp will take place at The Cherish Academy at 3100 S Alaska Seattle 98108. Contact (901) 504-1115 for more information.
Urban Bloom summer camp is funded in part by the Seattle Parks District’s Recreation for All fund, which provides financial support to local nonprofit organizations, small businesses, community groups, and individuals to provide culturally relevant programs and events throughout the City of Seattle. Programs or events must be held in City of Seattle community centers, parks, or facilities in neighborhoods where health and enrichment disparities are prevalent and serve the funds priority populations and communities including adults, LGBTQIA, immigrant and refugee populations, people of color, and people with disabilities.