Saturday, August 17, 2019
Andrews Bay, at Seward Park
9:00 a.m.
The Annual Emerald City Open Water Swim is drawing near! It’s the 35th year in which swimmers 10 to 110 years old participate in this popular event at Andrews Bay in Seward Park. The competetive swim includes half mile out-and-back and one-mile open water races. This year inlcudes the new Open category (no wetsuit, no age, no gender scoring) as well.
Lifeguards will be stationed along the course. Check in and day of race registration are available beginning at 7:30 a.m.
Register for the race online at this link, and search using the barcodes below. Or register over the phone/in-person at any city of Seattle community center or pool (except those that are closed for improvements).
Registration barcodes are:
- ½ mile (10 and older) – 23612
- 1 mile (10 and older) – 23613
- BOTH RACES (10 and older) – 23607
Early bird pricing (till August 10):
One Race Adult: $45
One Race Youth/Special Population/Senior: $40
Both Races Adult: $55
Both Races Youth/Special Population/Senior: $50
Regular Pricing (after August 10):
One Race Adult $60
On Race Youth/Special Population/Senior $55
Both Races Adult $70
Both Races Youth/Special Population/Senior $65
Registration Fee is Non-Refundable.