Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) invites the community to participate in the design of the Morgan Junction Park expansion. Please join us at the Morgan Junction Community Festival on Saturday, June 22, 2019 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Community involvement is essential in developing the new open space at 6311 California Ave. SW, adjacent to Morgan Junction Park. SPR purchased this .28-acre space in 2014 to provide the community access to open space within this high-density urban area. Please stop by our booth and provide feedback.

The design firm, Board & Vellum, has been hard at work incorporating your input from the first open house and online survey into the development of three concept designs. We will present the three design options at the festival. The design of the park will incorporate accessibility features in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and low-impact, passive recreation features with impervious surface of the park site limited to 15% or less to minimize the effect of water run-off.
Following community input from this open house and another survey, we will develop and present a preliminary preferred design at a third community meeting which is yet to be scheduled.
This park project is made possible by the voter-approved Seattle Park District, which provides more than $47 million a year in long-term funding for SPR, including maintenance of parklands and facilities, operation of community centers and recreation programs, and development of new neighborhood parks on previously acquired sites.
For more information please visit For questions about the project please contact Ed Pottharst at 206-386-4232 or