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Join us in helping King County reach #1MillionTrees by 2020!

Seattle Parks and Recreation planted more than 111,000 trees over the last three years!

We are excited to be a part of King County’s 1 Million Trees initiative!

Thanks to the efforts of cities, nonprofits, tribes, schools and residents, partners planted 705,840 trees in King County– well past the half-way mark to the goal of #1MillionTrees by 2020.

And, through the Green Seattle Partnership, Seattle Parks and Recreation planted more than 111,000 trees from 2015 to 2018!

The Green Seattle Partnership regularly installs over 100,000 plants each year as part of restoration projects across the city. In 2018, Seattle Parks staff, volunteers and contractors planted a record-breaking 43,000 trees alone!

Interested in helping us contribute to King County’s #1MilliontTrees Initiative? Volunteer for a restoration event with the Green Seattle Partnership–click here to find a volunteer event happening near you!