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Northgate Community Center – Preschool Spots Available!

Our preschool program engages the developmental needs of young children, focusing on emotional, social, physical, and cognitive skills to prepare children for success in school and in life. Classrooms are set up with safe and nurturing environments, fun-filled learning areas, consistent schedules and routines, and both large and small group times.

We create immersive programming to introduce your child to many topics, projects, and experiences.

This Fall, we focused on the changes of the season by looking at the leaves in the park outside of the classroom. The class went on a nature walk to count and collect leaves, and then categorized them by color and size. We rolled the leaves onto clay, creating leaf imprints, and shaped the clay into plates. After painting the plates, we fired them so they will be usable at any gathering or tea party! This was a fun sensory activity that incorporated math and science with crafts and nature, and was one of the classroom’s annual ceramic activities.

Contact us to get your child involved in this exciting learning experience. We can’t wait to meet you!

Northgate Community Center: 206-386-4283 | 10510 5th Ave. NE Seattle, WA 98125


9:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

Tuesday/Thursday: $263 /month
Monday/Wednesday/Friday: $385 /month
Monday – Friday: $588 /month

Sibling Discount: $3/day multiplied by the number of days the class meets per week

Click here for more information about Preschool Programs at Seattle Parks and Recreation!