Have a hand in planting Seattle’s future forests! Join Seattle Parks and Recreation on Saturday, Nov. 3 and help the Green Seattle Partnership kick off their planting season. Hundreds of volunteers will be planting thousands of plants in parks throughout Seattle. All community members are welcome, and no experience in necessary. Events begin at 9 a.m. and are family friendly and open to all ages. Tools, gloves, plants, coffee, snacks and instruction will be provided.
Volunteers can choose from the park sites listed below that have space available (click here to see the most up-to-date list of park sites that are still in need of volunteers). These events do fill up, so make sure to save your spot now and don’t miss out on the biggest planting party of the year!
Green Seattle Day Locations
Central Seattle
- Interlaken Park – EVENT FULL
North Seattle
- Discovery Park with Mtns to Sound Greenway – EVENT FULL
- Golden Gardens Park – EVENT FULL
- Magnuson Park with EarthCorps and Forest Stewards- SIGN UP HERE
- Meadowbrook Playfield – SIGN UP HERE
- Woodland Park – EVENT FULL
South Seattle
- Colman Park – SIGN UP HERE
- Cheasty Greenspace with Friends of Cheasty Greenspace Mt. View – SIGN UP HERE
- Kubota Gardens – SIGN UP HERE
- Maple Wood Playfield with the SCA – SIGN UP HERE
- Rainier Beach Urban Farm & Wetland with Tilth Alliance – SIGN UP HERE
- Seward Park with Seward Park Audubon – SIGN UP HERE
West Seattle
- Camp Long with Nature Consortium – SIGN UP HERE
- Lincoln Park – EVENT FULL
- Westcrest Park with DIRTCorps – SIGN UP HERE