Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) invites the community to provide input on the preliminary design for potential future improvements to the Green Lake Small Craft Center on Wednesday, October 3, 2018 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Please join us at Green Lake Small Craft Center, 5900 West Green Lake Way N to meet the design team, Schacht | Aslani Architects, learn about the site opportunities and constrains, and offer input on what a new small craft center might look like at Green Lake.
The Seattle Department of Neighborhoods’ Neighborhood Matching Fund Program is funding the current planning project through the first phase of design. A 2017 study of the existing building and programming needs was funded by the Seattle Park District Major Projects Challenge Fund. The Green Lake Rowing Advisory Council is actively seeking additional funding from the Seattle Park District Major Projects Challenge Fund, State grants, and private fundraising for the subsequent design phases and construction.
The Major Projects Challenge Fund is a Seattle Park District funding initiative that provides a funding match to a community-initiated “major project” that is not otherwise covered by an identified SPR funding source. Approved by Seattle voters in 2014, the Seattle Park District provides more than $47 million a year in long-term funding to SPR for maintenance of parklands and facilities, operation of community centers and recreation programs, and development of new neighborhood parks on previously acquired sites.
Thank you to everyone who joined us in June 2018 to learn about the project. At the June meeting Schacht | Aslani Architects presented background information, including a study of the existing building and programming needs.
For more information please visit: For additional question about the project or special meeting accommodations please contact David Graves at or 206-684-7048.