Volunteers and staff with Carkeek Watershed helped release 98,501 imprinted Chum salmon fry at Carkeek Park this year from January to May!
The fish will make their way from the creeks at Carkeek Park to the Puget Sound and eventually to the Pacific Ocean. Because the fish have been “imprinted” with the smell (chemical/mineral signature) of the water form Piper’s Creek Watershed, the fish have the chance to return to Carkeek Park’s waters in 3-5 years to mate. Learn more about this incredible process here: http://www.carkeekwatershed.org/
2018 Salmon fry imprinting season:
Total deliveries: 104,115 Chum salmon eggs and fry
Total releases: 98,501 imprinted Chum salmon fry
Total volunteer hours: 600 hours
Total visitors: 3,041 visitors