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Seattle Parks and Recreation launches 2018 Major Projects Challenge Fund; Applications due March 2018

Does your community group have a proposal on how to renovate, expand, or upgrade a Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) facility or park? The Major Projects Challenge Fund (MPCF), which is a Seattle Park District funding initiative, will provide a funding match to a community-initiated “major project” that is not otherwise covered by an identified SPR funding source. The MPCF will provide up to $1.6 million per year as a match to a significant improvement or expansion at an existing SPR park or facility.

To apply for the funding match, any community group may submit a four-page proposal letter that outlines their project and funding needs. Application letters are due on March 30, 2018. SPR encourages community groups that have a project and matching dollars to apply for funding from the 2018 MPCF. The application process will prioritize community-initiated projects that have a “parks and recreation” mission, encourage public access, leverage non-City funds, and are on SPR property and/or an SPR-owned facility. Click here to view complete 2018 funding criteria.

The City is often asked to provide financial support to capital development or improvement projects that focus on parks and recreation, for which there is little or no City finding available, and interested communities don’t have enough funding to cover the total cost of the project. This MPCF will provide City funding to leverage community-generated funding for projects that expand the life and usability of a park or facility by providing opportunities for more people to use the facility.

“Great projects and needed studies came from the 2016 round of the Major Projects Challenge Fund,” said Christopher Williams, Seattle Parks and Recreation Deputy Superintendent. “This funding initiative provides an avenue for us to partner with community groups to expand and improve our park and recreation facilities. We want to be responsive to the needs of the community today, improve access for everyone and build a strong Seattle Parks and Recreation for future generations.”

A portion of the funding will be allocated to assist diverse communities and organizations that lack resources for a match. Groups that are unable to identify any match should contact David Graves at or 206-684-7048. Mr. Graves can assist groups with the funding process and help identify funding source(s) for submitting the application.

For more information and a list of projects that received funding in 2016 visit  For additional questions contact David Graves, Strategic Advisor at or 206-684-7048.