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2017 Seattle Park District Highlights: Maintaining Parks and Facilities

2017 has been another great year for the Seattle Park District! We’ve been working in every corner of the city to preserve our urban forest, maintain our community centers and parks, encourage community members to get active, design new parks with community input, and much more! Read on to learn about some of our Maintaining Parks and Facilities highlights to date, and look out for our comprehensive Seattle Park District annual report coming soon.

Click the links to read highlights from other Seattle Park District initiatives: Fix it First: Major Maintenance; Programs for People; Building for the Future.

Maintaining Parks and Facilities

These initiatives fund day-to-day maintenance of parks and facilities, improve park safety by increasing enforcement of leash and scoop laws, and improve dog off-leash areas and P-Patches.


So far in 2017, our Night Maintenance Team improved 22 facilities! The team is comprised of plumbers, electricians, carpenters, painters and metal workers who focus on a variety of repairs, upgrades, and other preventive maintenance to better preserve our facilities. And because this team works at night, facilities such as our pools and community centers don’t have to be closed, and people can use them during the day!

In 2017, we completed the People, Dogs and Parks Plan which will guide improvements at our 14 existing off-leash areas and provides a process, our New Off Leash Area community Proposal Process, to create new ones.