Seattle Parks and Recreation is committed to listening to the community and delivering new opportunities for play and recreation that will serve Seattle’s growing population. Consequently, as a response to input received from the community, Seattle Parks and Recreation’s Planning and Development Division is leading a pilot project to implement lining of multiple tennis court sites for pickleball.
The sites selected are recommended for shared use by both pickleball and tennis players. The tennis court sites will be lined for pickleball, however, there will be no changes made to the tennis nets. The tennis court sites were selected based on demand for more pickleball and the following feasibility criteria: accessibility, current court use, existing court conditions, and equitable distribution.
The following are potential courts recommended for pickleball:
- South Park Community Center in south-west district
- Georgetown Playfield in south-central district
- Delridge Community Center in south-west district
- Discovery Park Court in central-west district
- Miller Community Center in central-east district
- Soundview Playfield in north-west district
- Green Lake Park, courts near the community center, in central-north district
Maple Leaf Reservoir Park, Kinnear Park and Observatory Courts all currently have pickleball courts.
Seattle Parks and Recreation will be gathering comments on the pickleball pilot project through Sept. 5, 2017. For questions or to comment on this pilot project please email